Sunday, May 06, 2012

Frozen Yogurt @ Rockit Swirl

Today was gorgeous - 80 degrees in San Francisco.  When does that happen?

I decided to celebrate by venturing to a new frozen yogurt shop, partially as an excuse to get outside, and partially to use some LevelUp credits that were set to expire.  I didn't have that high of expectations, but I was hopeful ... I'm still looking for a frozen yogurt place in the city to love!

They have 6 flavors of frozen yogurt at a time, and plentiful topping choices, ranging from cereal, to all sorts of candy, to mochi/jellies, to brownies/cookies, to fruit.  They had both sweet and tart yogurt, surprisingly mostly low-fat rather than non-fat.  All self-serve, pay-by-the-ounce.  They also had Gelato Classico gelato, a huge menu of milk teas, smoothies, and shakes, ice cream sandwiches, and some random cooked food.  The other side of the store was filled with tons of gum-ball machines, free internet kiosks, and a couple giant claw machines.  A very strange place, indeed.

Unfortunately, Rockit Swirl wasn't very good.  If I hadn't travelled so far to get there, and didn't have the credits to spend, I probably wouldn't have stayed to get some after tasting the samples.  I made up for the not-so-good frozen yogurt by adding a ton of candy, of which they had plenty.  Not my normal way of eating frozen yogurt, but at least they can't really screw up the candy :)

After my frozen yogurt, I was still feeling unsatisfied, so I got a Thai boba tea.  It reminded me that I really miss Thai iced tea!  I'm not sure the last time I had one, but I used to get them once a week in grad school when we'd splurge and go get Thai food for lunch on Fridays.  While this was good in that it was milky, sweet, tea, it was lukewarm, with only a little ice in it.  It improved significantly as the ice cooled it down, but it would have been nice to have it cold to start with.  The boba were pretty decent, not at all gummy or stuck together or anything, but I think about half my cup was made up of boba, way, way too much!

I won't return here.

(Update, 10/9/12)
Except ... I did.  They had a Scoutmob promotion for 50% off, and were back on LevelUp.  I knew I didn't love it the first time, but I should have re-read my review to remember how much I disliked it.  Whoops.  I went back, and like before, found all of the frozen yogurt to be not very good.  Icy, fake flavors, meh.  And ... they wouldn't let me use both Scoutmob and LevelUp, saying it was a double promotion, which isn't really true, since LevelUp is just a payment method.  Double meh.  Now, I really won't be going back, I swear ...
  • Frozen Yogurt
    • Original Tart (non-fat): Good tart flavor, but really icy. [ Very icy, not great tart flavor, meh ]
    • Raspberry-Pomegranate Tart (non-fat): Sorta sweet, sorta tart, couldn't really determine what fruit flavor it was.  Not exactly icy, but not creamy. [ Icy, very sweet.  Wy was this labelled tart? ]
    • Vanilla (low-fat): Very generic.  Not creamy, no vanilla flavor, just sweet. [ Creamy, although not very vanilla flavored.  My favorite of the bunch. ]
    • Ghirardeli Chocolate (low-fat): Very generic.  Not creamy, not particularly good chocolate flavor.
    • Banana: Just sweet.  Very fake banana flavor.  Ok creaminess.
    • Dulce de Leche: Insanely sweet, not refined flavor.  Ok creaminess.
    • Cheesecake (non-fat): Very sweet, very fake, not good at all.
    • Reese's Peanut Butter (low-fat): Icy, although it did taste a lot like peanuts.  Not very good.
  • Toppings
    • Brownie bites, cookie dough: really not good.  Not fresh tasting, just lumps of gross.
    • Jellied bits: Not really sure what these were, but they were little jellies in a sweet sauce.  Not bad.
    • Assorted mochi: soft, not bad.
    • Heath bar, gummy peach rings, chocolate rocks, mini M&Ms: standard candy, not sure how they would have messed this up.  All good.
    • Fruit: Didn't get any, as it didn't look very fresh.

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