Monday, May 22, 2023


Update Review, 2022

Blue Raspberry, Banana.
I mixed two flavors, because I'm a kid at heart, and also, because I hate making decisions.

The banana was actually kinda nice, clearly fake banana flavor, but I liked it.  There was something familiar about it, sorta like banana Runts candies.  

The blue raspberry was cloying sweet, and screamed out to have a swirl of soft serve vanilla ice cream in it float style to balance it out (while I didn't have 7-Eleven growing up, we did have soft serve stands in the summer, that also had Slush Puppies, and blue raspberry soft serve floats were my thing!).

I had this in Boston, in the middle of summer, and it was far more enjoyable on a hot summer day than my usual location in SF.  I did enjoy both, but, the large size was definitely overkill, I couldn't quite handle that much sustained sweet.  ***.

Original Review, July 2012

I'm probably one of few Americans who isn't really familiar with Slurpees.  I grew up in a town without 7-Eleven, so I guess this makes sense?

I only had my first Slurpee a year ago, when I was on a liquids diet for medical reasons, and somehow a Splurpee made it on to my approved diet list.  I wasn't that impressed (although, I was so sick of only drinking things at that point, that I think I wouldn't have liked anything ...).  That was the only Slurpee I ever had, until last week.

This past week was July 11, and 7-Eleven was giving out Slurpees to celebrate "7-Eleven Day".  I was tempted to check it out, but it seemed like too much effort for something I didn't really care about.  But today, as I was walking through Union Square, the 7-Eleven cart was out with free Slurpees!  So, I got to try my 2nd and 3rd Slurpees ever.  Unfortunately, it felt like winter outside (e.g. typical "summer" in San Francisco), so a nice refreshing icy drink wasn't exactly what I wanted ... but I could imagine enjoying one of these on a hot summer day, ... if we ever got those!
Slurpee Lite™ Fanta Sugar-free Mango.
This had a good mango flavor, and wasn't fake tasting even though it was sugar free.  I really liked the fizz to it.  Carbonated sweet ice is pretty good, and was novel to me.  ***+.

Update review: I had another from the store, and I loved the icy-ness, but found the flavor seriously lacking.  **+.
Coca-Cola Classic Slurpee.
This really just was a frozen Coke.  I again found the carbonation to be pretty fun, but meh, just a Coke, which I don't normally drink. **+.

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