Thursday, January 03, 2013

Blissful Brownies

A co-worker received a shipment of Blissful Brownies.  They are mail order brownies, but fancy ones.  All made to order and then shipped out immediately.  Made from quality Guittard chocolate.

I tried several varieties, but didn't really love any of them.  Clearly steps above store bough packaged brownies, but for me, nothing really compares to a fresh out of the oven brownie, so I can't imagine ever really wanting them.
Individual Brownies, $4 each.
The brownies are all huge, 5 ounces each, wrapped up in individual bags, and tied with a string.  I tried several varieties:
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter: "A layer of creamy all natural peanut butter runs through the middle of this rich chocolate creation. "  Tasting notes: This was the first one I tried.  It had a very generous peanut butter ribbon inside, not just a little swirl.  I give it credit for delivering on the peanut butter, but it wasn't particularly creamy.  The brownie itself wasn't all that moist, fairly unremarkable, although I liked the chocolate chips in it.  I heated a second piece up in the toaster oven, and enjoyed it much more that way, as it got gooier, and I paired it with some ice cream.  Brownie sundae time!  Favorite of those I tried, and the only one Ojan liked.
  • German Chocolate: "Classic Chocolate brownies, topped with a rich, caramel crust that’s loaded with fresh coconut and pecans".  Tasting notes: I hated the topping.  It was crusty and strange.  I love coconut and pecans so I expected to love this, but I really really disliked it.  Least favorite by far.  Ojan wouldn't even take a second bite.
  • Peppermint Candy: Tasting notes: I liked the bits of peppermint, but these brownies just don't do it for me, particularly when cold.  I liked it more when I warmed it with ice cream of course.  Second favorite, but not notable.

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