Friday, August 04, 2023

Maine Root Handcrafted Beverages

Fancy soda.  It is a thing.  I expect this in some locations, but, Maine?  Yup, Maine.  Home of Maine Root Beverages, a producer of fair trade certified, 100% organic sugar sweetened, sodas.  I wouldn't call them healthy, just, a touch fancy and more nicely packaged than most.  And of course, a touch pricier too. 

I haven't ever seen their beverages on the West coast, but, I encountered them a few times when visiting New England.  I remember having their classic root beer, and their ginger brew, but alas, I never took notes on those.  If you are looking for slightly fancy soda, they are an interesting choice.
Mandarin Orange Soda.
"The Deathstar is complete. We added our latest flavor after many requests for a third brother to our fruity flavored offerings. Here it is, Mandarin Orange! Light, drinkable and thirst quenching. Mmm."

This is easily the fanciest orange soda I've ever had.

It had a nice amount of fizz.  It felt a bit funny to be drinking orange soda out of a bottle, it seems far more fitting for a can :)

The mandarin flavor was quite nice, a more sophisticated version of orange soda.  But overall, I found it a bit too sweet.  ***+.
Pumpkin Pie Soda (Seasonal).
"It doesn’t have to be autumn to appreciate this delicious beverage. We’ve bottled the flavor of everyone’s favorite gourd-based dessert for your year-round enjoyment. You’ll be thankful you tried it."

I really had no idea what to expect from a "Pumpkin Pie Soda".  I got this during the height of pumpkin-flavored everything season, mostly out of the novelty.  Sure, pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin muffins, etc all make sense, but pumpkin pie soda?

It was ... strange.  It didn't taste like pumpkin pie.  It seemed more like a mild root beer, but with different spices.  I didn't hate it, but I wouldn't get another.  A fried took one sip, made a horrible face, and didn't want anything to do with it.

I give them creativity points here, particularly for joining in on the pumpkin-spice all the things bandwagon, but I can't say this was a success.


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