Tuesday, March 08, 2022


Emmi is the largest Swiss milk processor, and the maker of dairy goods distributed throughout Europe and a number of other countries.  The dairy coop has been around since the early 1900s, but the brand was not established until the 1940s.  Today, they make many different product lines, mostly yogurt and cheese based.

I haven't ever seen Emmi in the United States, but when visiting my Paris and London offices, they were commonplace, and so I had a chance to try a few items.  Other countries really do yogurt so much better than us ... full fat, it just makes a difference.
Suisse Yogourt: Nature.
"The term “Nature” provides the answer: no additional ingredients are added beyond those required for a natural product."

The first item I tried was their plain, natural, yogurt.

It was extremely smooth, no lumps, no clumps.  Quite creamy.  It was not sweetened in any way, yet it had no tang like a Greek yogurt. 

This was good, particularly for plain yogurt, but not amazing.

Yogourtpur Baeis.
"Emmi Jogurtpur is a stirred yogurt that is produced without additives and contains only three ingredients: yogurt made from Swiss milk, specially selected fruit and sugar. Jogurtpur meets the need for pure, natural products."

Next up, from the "Yogourtpur" line of yogurts made with only a few ingredients, I went for the berry flavor (baeis).

It too was beautifully creamy, clearly full fat yogurt, decadent.   I loved the berry flavor, a mix of blueberry, raspberry, blackberry.  It tasted like real fruit, naturally sweet, not artificial.  Minus one point though as it had blackberry seeds in it, which I didn't care for (so gritty!).

Still, far above average for a fruity yogurt, and puts American yogurt to shame.  ***+.
Chai Latte: Original Taste.
"The difference is what's inside. That's why we've only selected simple and high-quality ingredients for our Emmi CAFFÈ LATTE products."

The last item I tried was a pre-made chai latte.  Yup, ready-to-drink, in a cup that looked like it came from a cafe.  Emmi makes an entire product line of different latte products (mostly coffee based).

It was way, way too sweet.  The chai spice flavors good, but, just way too sweet.  I did really love the packaging though!

**** for packaging and spicing, but sadly, **+ overall.


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