Monday, May 19, 2014

Mallorca Mondays!

Well, hello there. You may have noticed that I've been a bit silent for the past few weeks. Don't worry, I'm perfectly fine, I've just been traveling - to Spain, Zurich, and London! And, like any good food blogger, I was busy documenting all the interesting foods I consumed during my travels. And yes, there were Michelin stars.  And foie gras.  Lots of foie gras.

Since I have a large line up of travel posts for Travelin' Tuesdays: Tokyo Edition, I've decided to give the regular Monday lineup up chain restaurants/food trucks a brief break, and I present you with a new special series: Mallorca Mondays!

Mallorca, or Majorca, is an island off the coast of Barcelona, the largest of the Balearic Islands.  While not a gastronomic destination, it does have 5 restaurants with Michelin stars, and it wasn't exactly a coincidence that the villa we rented just happened to be right down the street from one of them.

So, stay tuned for the new few Mondays, as we journey to Mallorca.

We'll begin with my very first experience on British Airways, flying First Class no less, from San Francisco to London.  Dining on a plane may not normally be all that exciting, but in First Class, dining is a serious part of the experience.  Next, you'll get a peak at the afternoon tea service, served aboard a British Airways flight from London to Barcelona, business class (or, Club Europe as they call it).

And then, time to dine on Mallorca!  Ok, first we need to discover our local beach bar, Playero, but then we'll head with a long lunch at Michelin-stared Jardín, followed by a late lunch at the stunning Restaurante Golf Alcanada, and sample the Mallorca pastry ensaïmada.

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