Friday, January 02, 2015

Braw Bars (UK)

As you've been reading on Tuesdays for the past few weeks, I recently went on a trip that involved a few days in London.  While there, I not only indulged in local restaurants, but I also had to try out the snack foods, including assorted bars, like the mediocre Eat Natural or Alpen Light bars, or the truly delicious Seed Stacked Flapjacks.

Braw makes gluten-free oat and fruit bars in a variety of flavors.  They aren't horrible.
The bar is mostly a mix of actual fruit; apples, pears, and dates each clock in at 16% each, plus an apple, pear, grape juice concentrate (5%).  The strawberry comes as both a juice concentrate (another 5%) and as freeze dried bits (a mere 0.8%).  Oats round it out.

The aroma was fairly strong strawberry, just like the Nakd bar I tried.  But, unlike the Nakd bar, it used oats in the base rather than soy protein crispies, so it wasn't totally dead to me.  The taste wasn't bad.  The texture was a bit crumbly, not like a granola bar I'm used to, but also not like a firm fruit bar.

It was interesting.  It wasn't particularly good.  But it also wasn't horrible.  No reason to try another though.

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