Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Travelin' Tuesday: Lisbon, the master post

Yup, I went to Portugal for the first time, back in September.  I stayed primarily in Lisbon, although I ventured slightly further away for two days to Cascais.

I didn't pick Lisbon for tourism, and certainly not food the cuisine, I was there for a conference.  As such, my dining was mostly limited to large groups, although I did explore the bakeries a bit on my own.  While the majority of the dining was very lackluster, there were two strong points, that I still think back on and start to drool.
The reason to go to Lisbon: Life changing egg tarts.

Bakeries / Treats

  • Go to Pastéis de Belém. That is all.
  • Really good froyo, with a unique fun topping I can't stop thinking about, Weeel.
  • A Padaria Portuguesa, where I discover just how good Pão de Deus can be! Soft, fluffy, slightly sweet, pull apart bread with a delicious topping ... swoon.
  • Sacolinha, a bakery chain in Portugal.  I got to try some unknown items, but not were awesome.
  • Soft serve Cornetto machine?!!
Breads & Spreads at Largo.


  • Ground Burger: Great pedigree, but the restaurant crumpled under our group size.
  • More large group dining at Largo. Meh. The bread and spread were good.
  • Charming setting, not touristy, but, mediocre group dinner at As Salgadeiras.  
  • Of course I went to McDonald's.  Had to check out the local specialties! 
Breakfast Feast @ Sheraton, Cascais.


  • Lobby Bistro:  large, but highly mediocre, breakfast buffet at the Sheraton Lisboa.
  • A highly unimpressive club lounge, Sheraton Lisboa.
  • Breakfast buffet at Glass, Sheraton, Cascais. Finally, an excellent breakfast buffet! Extensive selection, quality, and tasty!
Meal on TAP Portugal.

Airports / Flights

  • A tale of two Pão de Deus in the Lisbon airport.
  • TAP Airlines: The sandwich "snack" didn't impress, but the hot meal wasn't awful (although still economy dining). 

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