Friday, November 24, 2017

Kobe Chef Club Royal Cheese Pudding

Pudding.  I love pudding.  And it turns out, Japan makes some seriously good pudding.

I read about a particular brand of pudding, "Kobe Chef Club", known for great puddings sold at convenience stores.  I failed to find it the first few days (although I did have a decent pudding from Family Mart instead), but finally found it near the end of my trip.

It turns out, the one I grabbed was a new product, not the tried and true variety I was supposed to be getting.  Oops.

Kobe Chef Club makes 4 standard flavors: a rich cream and custard version, a chestnut version (because, chestnuts are everywhere in Japan), a salty vanilla version, and, the one that gets all the accolades, the caramel topped Royal Custard Pudding.  New to the menu are hazelnut and, the one I ended up getting, Royal Cheese.
Royal Cheese Pudding.
"It is mellow and delicious cheese pudding which you can enjoy melting texture and elegant and creamy taste."

I grabbed my pudding gleefully.  "Royal Cheese Pudding", it said.  Uh, cheese pudding?  Still, I trusted the masses, not knowing I wasn't getting the standard recommended one.
Under the Lid: Pudding and Topping.
Once I took off the lid, I found a sealed container of pudding, and a separate package of "Sweets Topping".
Royal Cheese Pudding.
"Combining cream cheese and mascarpone cheese with Hokkaido purity cream, finished in a creamy and rich flavor with a smooth texture."

Aha!  The "cheese" was cream cheese and mascarpone, much more appropriate than what I was imagining.

I tried the pudding first on its own of course.

It tasted vaguely of coconut, although it wasn't coconut flavored.  I didn't taste cream cheese nor mascarpone.

It was a good texture, not too runny, not quite as thick as a panna cotta.  Good, for packaged pudding, for sure.
Complete with "Sweets Topping".
"Toppings of 'Sakusaku Crepe' attached, the fragrant and refreshing texture further enhances the taste."

After a few bites, I added the topping.

 “Sweets topping” this time was crunchy bits of something.  They added a nice crunch.

Overall, this was a good dessert, but was too sweet after a few bites.

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