Friday, April 06, 2018

Heavenly Organics Chocolates

Heavenly Organics is a organic raw honey manufacturer.  Not exactly what you normally read about on my blog.

But, in addition to honey and sugar, they make chocolate honey patties.  These are what peaked my interest.

They come in a bunch of varieties (ginger, almond, mint, peanut, even pomegranate), but all are based around chocolate and honey.

It turns out, this is not a combination I like.
Mint Chocolate Honey Pattie.
"Our Mint Chocolate Honey Patties have a dark chocolate shell made from 100% cocoa that is filled with 100% organic raw white honey blended with natural peppermint oil."

These have only three ingredients: dark chocolate + honey + peppermint oil.  Simplicity can be good.

The shell was a quality, smooth, snappy dark chocolate.  I liked the chocolate.
Mint Chocolate Honey Pattie: Inside.
Inside was the honey and mint filling.

It was almost like a caramel, but, honey flavored.  Mint honey flavored.  Which might be ok if you like the idea of mint honey.  But I wasn't so into it.  Nor was I into the honey and chocolate combination.

I didn't want to finish it.

Nice chocolate, pleasant smooth filling, but, flavors all out of whack.

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