Friday, November 13, 2020

J.C.'s Snacks, Australia

Quick little review today ...

You know I love snacks.  You know I love to travel.  You know I love to try new snacks when I travel.  It should come as no surprise that I pick up random things when I visit places, like my beloved Sydney.

J.C's Snacks is not a particularly notable brand, but they are found throughout Australia.  
"Good food is the source of good health, happiness, and vitality.
And we believe quality ingredients are at the heart.

Since 1994, we’ve hand-picked from only the best growers and producers to create simple, honest and wholesome foods.

Better food for a better world – that’s our mission.
As a humble family business, this is a great source of pride."
Yup, better food, good sourcing, you know he drill.

The product line up isn't that exciting on the surface: dried fruits, nuts, and mixes mostly.  But they have some I'd love to try - think Kri Kri Chilli Peanuts! - but most are just basic varieties.
Southern Style Rancho Mix.
"A mix of roasted & salted cahews, tex mex toasted corn & honey dijon soya crisps."

Like most snack mixes it seems, I adored one element of this, thought one was "ok", and quickly discarded the third.  And, to my amusement, the one I loved was not the one I'd expect to love.

The ones I really enjoyed were the honey dijon soya crisps.  I loved the honey mustard coating, and the crispy crunch to the sticks.

The tex mex corn nuts were ... fine.  The ingredients said cheese coating, but, eh, I didn't taste cheese.  They were just pretty basic, standard, too crunchy little corn nuts.

The cashews were simple roasted & salted cashews, nothing interesting about them in any way.

But those honey dijon soya crisps were wonderful, and I wish I could purchase just them.  Or, find someone who likes the other elements, so I don't feel guilty wasting them!

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