Friday, November 30, 2018

Delicitos, Brazil

Delicitos is a snack food manufacturer in Brazil.  I love trying new snacks, so it was no brainer that of course I wanted to try these, when a co-worker brought them to the office.

The flavor lineup is definitely interesting. Spicy sausage.  Onion & parsley.  Cheese.  Barbecue. Pizza.  Pepper.  I tried the later.
Pepper Snack.
"These pillow shaped snack bites from Brazil bring the perfect pepper flavor! They're not too spicy and have just the right amount of seasoning to make you feel like you're enjoying a fresh and zesty pepper!"

I was drawn in to these.  Pepper flavor?  But what were they?  Not chips, but, uh, "pillow shaped snack bites"?  And am I supposed to want to "enjoy a fresh and zesty pepper"?
Pepper Snack: Close Up.
They were, indeed, uh, pillow snack bites.

Assorted sizes of hollow pillows.  Crunchy, crispy, delightful.  Way more fun than chips.  I loved the form factor, and wonder why we don't have it in the US.  They were wheat based, but actually tasted more like corn to me.

And the flavor? ZOMG SPICY.

Certainly the spiciest snack food I've had in a long time.  Maybe ever.  I adored the heat, and took great delight in cramming an entire handful into my mouth at once to amp up the intensity. They were spicy, but not unpleasant.

Fun form factor, great heat, what's not to love?
Serving Size.
The packaging made me laugh when I read the serving size though.  "2 cups of tea."

Is that ... a normal unit of measure in Brazil?  Or just a translation gone silly?


  1. Please post a link to order these items. I cant find anywhere online and would like to try multiple flavors.
