Friday, February 15, 2019

Pringles - Flavors from Around the World

You know Pringles.  Yes, the chips that come in a tube.  Somehow I've never reviewed these, I'm not sure how.

But this isn't a review of the Pringles you likely know.  Instead, I'm focusing on flavors of Pringles not available in the United States.

Australian Flavors

In Australia, Pringles, like most chips, come in different flavors than we have in the US.  Sure, they have Original, Sour Cream & Onion, and BBQ, but they also have ... Sausage & Onion.   And of course, Sweet Chilli & Sour Cream and multiple chicken flavors (Chicken Salt, Roast Chicken, Chicken Kebab).   I still don't understand why they have so many chicken flavors, and we literally have none (not just in Pringles, just across the board).
"Discover the incredible flavour of Pringles. Our chips are uniquely shaped and perfectly seasoned! Experience the irresistible crunch and delicious flavour in every bite. "
Anyway, the form factor is exactly the same as Pringles I know from the US, just, well, more interesting flavors.
Chicken Kebab.
"Try our NEW Chicken Kebab Flavour! A delicious combination of your favourite Chicken Kebab flavours."

So, um, I don't like chicken.  Not the texture, the (lack of) flavor, etc.  But I still thought these sounded crazy, and wanted to try.

I certainly wouldn't have ever guessed "chicken kebab" if asked blindly to taste these and identify the flavor.

Did I taste chicken?  No.  Did I taste salt?  Yes, lots.  Did I taste seasoning?  Yup, but not a particular flavor I could pinpoint.

They were salty, savory, seasoned standard Pringles.  Well coated in whatever the seasoning was, as most Pringles are.

Not much more to say here, I guess I'm glad I tried them?

Irish Flavors

Ireland also has some interesting options.  They too have chicken flavors (Roast Chicken & Herbs), plus Sweet Chilli (no sour cream though), and an amusingly named "Cheesey Cheese".
Prawn Cocktail.
"Prawn Cocktail Flavour tastes like you went deep sea diving for treasure and didn’t find the treasure but found a wealth of prime jumbo shrimp instead. Then a master chef perfectly seasoned them, broiled them and served them up with cocktail sauce for you (and famous cool people) who praised your shell fishing skills. That’s how you live the dream with ‘em."

Uh.  I can't say that is what I tasted.  Not the provided description (I definitely didn't taste a master chef praising my fishing skills!), nor the general concept of "prawn cocktail".

I'm not sure what I did taste though.  Something zesty.  Seasoning, yes.  Not fishy.

I think it was fine, but, certainly not as advertised.

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