Friday, March 24, 2023

Red Rock Potato Chips, Australia

Red Rock Deli is a brand of snack foods in Australia, stocked at my office in Sydney. Over the years, I've had a opportunity to try a number of their chips, but they also make a flavored popcorn lineup that looks amazing, and a line of flavor coated peanuts.  Bold, unique flavors seems to be what they are all about.

For the chips, all have the same kettle chip base, crispy, fine for kettle chips, but aren't really my style.  I keep trying them though because the flavors are fascinating.  I've only tried the standard chips, but they also make "Special Reserve" line with flavors like Slow Roasted Pork Belly & Mustard Cider Jus (yes, really).

Update Review, March 2022

I wish I liked the form factor of these chips more, as the flavors are unique.  But the chips are thin style, very crispy, slightly kettle style.  And just not my style these days (I like thicker, crunchier, wrinkled ones).
Sweet Chilli & Sour Cream.
The flavor of these is interesting.  I love sweet chilli & sour cream to dunk my wedges in, which I definitely learned in Australia, and still lament why this duo hasn't spread more.  So it makes sense the flavor would work well on chips.  But ... it didn't work that great for me.

I didn't actually taste sweet chilli, nor sour cream.  I would never be able to identify the flavor.  I did taste herbs, and something sorta dairy-like, but if anything, they reminded me of a slightly zesty sour cream and onion.  Not a bad flavor, but not really what I wanted.


Original Review, 2019

Sweet Chili & Sour Cream.
"The lingering sweet heat of chilli and paprika with a hint of smooth, tangy sour cream."

The first flavor I tried was the Sweet Chili & Sour Cream, because I was so excited to see that they turned my favorite Sydney pub snack (wedges with sweet chili & sour cream) into a chip.

As I said in my intro, the chips were fine, crispy style, but not really what I'm into these days, but I tried these to see how the flavor was.

They really kinda did taste like sweet chili & sour cream, or perhaps something like a bbq chip crossed with a sour cream & onion with less onion focus.  I liked the flavor, but it was nothing like dipping a wedge, or even a plain chip, into a generous glob of sweet chili and sour cream.  Interesting to try, but not something I wanted more of. **+.
Sea Salt & Balsamic Vinegar.
"A grind of fresh sea salt with a generous splash of the sweet sharpness of balsamic vinegar."

Next I tried sea salt & balsamic vinegar.  They were interesting.  At first, they tasted just like salt and vinegar chips, something very familiar.  Strong vinegar component.  And then, there was ... yup, a hint of balsamic.

I call these ... "Elevated Salt & Vinegar", the flavor really is more unique, but very much the same as a classic salt and vinegar at the same time.

Again though, for me, interesting to try, but not what I wanted as I'm just not that into potato chips these days. **+.
Honey Soy Chicken.
"The sweetness of honey cut by the subtle richness of soy sauce."

And finally, Honey Soy Chicken, the ones I expected to like the least, as I don't care for chicken.

But ... I think I liked them the best?  Maybe I was just more in the mood for chips that day?  I actually liked the crispy, very fried, form factor of the chips.

And then the flavor.  Um, yeah, they "tasted like chicken".  But, zesty chicken.  BBQ chicken.  Or I suppose, honey soy chicken? So very odd, but I didn't dislike them, although my American chip brain still doesn't quite know how to deal with meat flavors in my chips. ***.

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