Monday, January 25, 2021

Dunkin' Donuts: Food Items

 Dunkin' Donuts.

What "America Runs On".  A staple of my growing up.  Yadda yadda.

I've reviewed plenty of the donuts (and other "bakery") items before, I've reviewed the drinks (e.g. coffee, and crazy iced blended "desserts" that call themselves drinks), but I have never covered the *food* items at Dunkin' Donuts before.

Why?  Well, I didn't actually try any of these until the fall of 2021, when I was on the East Coast for 6 months, avoiding the COVID lockdown world of San Francisco.  

Also, um, who goes to Dunkin' Donuts for the *food*?  Donuts, coffee, muffins, sure, but the food items?  I honestly had never heard of anyone even trying something.

But given my extended time on the east coast, I eventually got curious.  I'm glad I did.

Sandwiches and Snacks

So, what food does Dunkin' offer?

A decent lineup of breakfast sandwiches, with all the standard bacon/sausage/ham options (and now, trendy Beyond Sausage!), several types of (microwaved) egg, and cheese in any of their bagels/english muffins/croissants ... or multigrain thins for the healthy types, simple sides - hash browns and "snackin' bacon" (yes, literally, you get a bag of bacon!), and "Wake-Up Wraps".  That is it.

No lunch items.  This is an area that Dunkin' has struggled, many other items have been part of the lineup at times, but nothing seems to have stuck.

I was drawn in though, by the promise of ... bacon.
Maple Sugar Bacon Wake-Up Wrap®.  $2.09.
"Our delicious Wake-Up Wrap® Sandwiches are made-to-order with your choice of protein, egg and cheese. The perfect portion to help start your day or fuel your afternoon."

Wake-Up Wraps come in whatever form you want - very customizable.  Simple egg and cheese or just a veggie egg white are kinda boring, but, you can pick any of the breakfast meats they offer: bacon, sausage, turkey sausage, Beyond Sausage, ham, or, the new Maple Sugar Bacon too.  My choice was clear - maple. sugar. bacon.

Also your choice of egg, although "fried egg" (ha!) comes standard, you can opt for the veggie egg patty, which I did, although I asked for it on the side (more on that later).

And finally, cheese, for this one, white cheddar is standard, but all others use American, and you can always swap the cheese.

My order was ready fairly quickly, and I was pleased with the warm, "fresh" result.

I can't say it looked particularly glorious, just like a breakfast soft taco, slightly crispy on the outside.  It was nicely warm though.
Maple Sugar Bacon Wake-Up Wrap®: Peeking Inside.
"Extra bacon caramelized with maple sugar seasoning, egg and white cheddar cheese, all wrapped in a tortilla."

I peeked inside my creation - the maple sugar bacon wrap, with white cheddar, no egg (inside).

The cheese was perfectly melty.  I spied nice looking bacon.

I got excited.

I tried a bite of the tortilla.  It was ... um, a tortilla?  Not what I ever really want.  It was slightly crisp, and warm, and not stale?
Maple Sugar Bacon Wake-Up Wrap®: BACON!
The cheese was ... fine I guess.  It was nicely melted, but it didn't really have much flavor.  And it, or maybe the bacon, or likely the combo of both, were really really oily.  Cheese, eh.

But the bacon?  The maple sugar bacon?  Now *that* was good.  Very, very, very good.  

Classic pork bacon, actually really nicely cooked - not flabby, not too crispy, I quite liked it.  It had a slight smokiness to it (from flavoring, not legit smoking, but whatever), and then of course the amazing maple sugar seasoning mix ... sugar, maple sugar, black pepper ... oh yes.  The portion of bacon was decent.

It made me immediately wish I had just purchased the Snakin' Bacon (literally, just a bag of the bacon!).  #nextTime

Overall: Tortilla ** (fine but not my thing), cheese ** (again, fine but not my thing), bacon ****
Veggie Egg White "Omelette" (on the side).
The Wake-Up Wrap normally comes with the "fried egg patty", which I knew I didn't want.  I also didn't really want the other option, the veggie egg white "omelette", but I knew my mom might, so I asked for it on the side.  

This was no problem, and just heated and placed in its own bag.  
Veggie Egg White (on the side).

It was half a round patty I believe, likely a full one is provided in the breakfast sandwiches, and the half size is used in the Wake-Up Wraps to mirror the half moon shape?

It is just egg white with some bits of green peppers, red peppers, and spinach.  It was exactly what you'd expect - a fast food steamed egg white patty with no flavor or texture worth nothing.

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