Thursday, July 20, 2023

Aura Tea

Vegan.  Low-sugar.  Keto.  These are not terms normally associated with bubble tea.  No, bubble tea is known for being sugar laden, calorie heavy, really, much like many Starbucks drinks, dessert masquerading as a beverage.

Enter Aura Tea, a new tea shop in San Francisco that aims to reverse that trend, started by a founder who loved bubble tea, but found herself gaining unwanted weight.  And thus, Aura Tea was born.


Aura just opened in Rincon Center, sorta out of the way in an inner courtyard.
Aura has signage to draw you in, advertising the 0 sugar, low calorie, keto nature.  I was surprised they don't call out the fact that everything is vegan on this sign as well.
It is a small shop without seating, but there is abundant seating in the courtyard outside.


How to Fuel Your Aura.
In addition to a menu with pre-made options, Aura has a guide to "fuel your Aura", walking you through how to pick the base (caffeinated or not, tea or coffee), size, milk, sweetness, and additions.

Like most bubble tea places, the first step at Aura Tea is to pick your tea base.  There are 4 options: classic black, jasmine green (for lower caffeine), butterfly tea (no caffeine), and masala chai.

From there, you can add 1-2 flavors, included with the base price ($6.95): strawberry, mango, pineapple, lemon, watermelon, and peach.  Sadly, these are just standard Torani syrups, the sugar-free ones.  Not quite what I expected, for a health focused establishment, I thought they'd make their own fruit purees.

Then, time for milk.  Since all are vegan, your options are oat, coconut, or almond milk.

Boba is included in the base price.  Only regular boba, or a keto version are available as "toppings" - no jellies, no foams, etc.  Again, they aim to stay healthy so those things are out.

Finally, if you want to add-in more, there are some boosts like ginger, CBD, turmeric and more for an additional fee.
Strawberry Jasmine Green Tea w/ Oat Milk. $6.95.
This was the co-founder's recommendation, jasmine green tea with strawberry syrup and oat milk added.

I was able to try a sample of this at a pre-opening event.

I'll be honest - you could have told me this was a rather flat Italian (cream) soda with boba in it, and I would have believed it without hesitation.  While there was jasmine tea in here, I didn't taste it at all.  There was no tea taste to this drink.

It was quite fruity and sweet, but it didn't taste like real fruit.  This is exactly what I'd expect: no fruit puree, no fruit used, just sugar free fruit syrup.  It was nearly half oat milk, which made it quite milky, and also contributed to the lack of tea taste.

So ... bubble tea?  Uh, not really in my mind.  Fruity milk that happened to have pearls in it?  Yes.  

Speaking of the pearls, they were fairly hard, and not particularly great.

So ... yeah, for sugar free fruity milk it was fine, but I'd prefer it without the pearls, and a carton of oat milk and a bottle of torani syrup could give me this at home just as easily.

Sadly, **+.
Strawberry Butterfly Tea w/ light Oat Milk. $6.95.
Since my visit was in the afternoon and I didn't want caffeine, I went for the butterfly tea, which was a lovely shade of purple.  I got strawberry flavor which created a pink hue at the base, and opted for light (oat) milk.  It really did look pretty, far better than you can tell from this photo.

This was fairly different from any other bubble tea I've ever had.  The butterfly tea base doesn't have a particular strong tea flavor to it, and the strawberry syrup was pretty sweet, making it oddly not refreshing due to the sweetness but almost refreshing due to the light tea quality, if that makes sense.  The boba seemed pretty average, nothing remarkable about them, but at least not clumped together, and the portion was good, not too many, not too few.  I expected to taste the oat a bit more pronounced, but the creaminess it added was pretty neutral.  

Overall, an absolutely fine, sweet, fruity, enjoyable drink, and slightly unique.

Cold Brew with Tapioca Pearls, and Boba Jelly (konjac agar pearls).
No sweet. Oat milk.
Who says that boba is just for tea?  Or that fun espresso drinks must be loaded with sugar?  Not Aura!  I was interested to see the cold brew boba on the menu, as a way to really mix it up.  So at last minute, rather than getting my standard taro milk tea, I went for cold brew boba.

I opted for zero sweetness, and oat milk, but all the standard customizations of sweetness and alternate milks were available.  For my boba, I couldn't decide between their house sweetened tapioca pearls, or the konjac agar crystal jellies, so I went for a mix of both.  It was freshly made, and shaken in a real cocktail shaker, to order.

The oat milk was creamy and made it taste far more decadent than it was, and I loved the textures from both styles of pearls, one was more chewy, the other more bouncy.  I really enjoyed this as a change from regular tea based boba drinks, and it makes me wonder why more places don't offer coffee base.  Sure, you don't get the deep rich flavor of the coffee, but, isn't that true for nearly every Starbucks creation too?


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