Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Mikado Sushi, NYC

Sometimes, a girl really gets a craving for uni, even when she has a fridge full of food.  Sometimes this happens when in another city, such as New York.  And thus, sometimes she seeks out said uni, even though not very practical.

This uni craving lead me to Mikado Sushi. They have several locations in NY, including one in Queens and one in Brooklyn, along with a couple in Manhattan.

The menu has a decent range of starters, besides the expected miso soup and edamame, there are more interesting creations like caviar dumplings, tuna toasts, sushi tacos, and more.  Entrees cover a slew of types of donburi, teriyaki, etc, but also some interesting dishes like truffle mushroom bacon fried rice, abalone noodles, and of course, the ever trend miso black cod.  I was there for the sushi however, which includes full line up of nigiri or sashimi, hand rolls, and make rolls. I appreciate that they do not have a slew of over the top rolls with sauces galore.  The nigiri/sashimi lineup isn't huge, and mostly isn't innovative, however they do have a wagyu topped with seared foie gras, and uni with truffle pate, and thus, you can likely guess why the restaurant hit my radar.

I ordered delivery on DoorDash, and it arrived quickly.  I can't comment on the restaurants themselves, as I didn't visit any.  I'll gladly order again.
My order definitely was a bit worse for the wear given however my Dasher transported it, but I appreciated that Mikado included soy sauce (not just a packet), a little condiment tray, and chopsticks on the side, along with generous amount of good quality wasabi and ginger in with the sushi.
Uni w/ Truffle Pate (sashimi). $26.
I had the choice of regular sushi, brown rice sushi, or sashimi for $1 more, which I opted for.  This seemed to mean it came in cucumber cups, although in my case, one of the pieces had been jostled around such that the cup was empty.

It was good uni.  Very creamy.  No funk.  Looked vibrant.  Very large portion, each cup had 3 big, in-tact pieces.  The truffle pate was just a dot on top, but it did have strong truffle flavor, and was a little something unique.

I really enjoyed this, although I took the uni and put it on top of truffle brioche toasts instead of the cucumber cups, and made it into a fantastic appetizer.  ****.

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