Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Better Burger, Sydney International Airport

Another random Sydney airport dining review.  So very lackluster.  My least favorite venue so far.
Muffins and Ice Cream ... not a success.
There was nothing about this visit that was a success.

Service was awful, I waited a full 4-5 minutes just to order, as there was no one there to take my order, the staff person coming around and acknowledging me, saying, "it won't be long", but then taking forever to come back.  I ordered decaf coffee, paid for it, and was then told they didn't have any.  Knowledge of the ice cream was ... limited at best.

Perhaps better for lunch, for the namesake burgers, or for sides, but, wow, what a unimpressive visit I had.  No desire to give another shot.


Better Burger is located near gate 10, right past duty free, once you enter the International terminal, airside.  Just turn left, and its right there.

Primarily a burger place, with fries and milkshakes, although it is open in the morning as well, which is when I visited around 10am.
Even though it was 10am, the menu only had the lunch items displays.  It also just said "A selection of salads", with no details.

Not helpful, as I know they carry breakfast items, such as egg sandos for example.
Baked Goods / Yogurt / Fruit.
The display cases showed some lackluster looking packaged yogurt and fruit, very non-authentic bread-like croissants, and a trio of muffins: chocolate, blueberry, orange poppy.

Nothing looked great, but you know I can't resist baked goods.
The seating area is modern and attractive, with stools, benches, and unique design.  It is a small area with only a few tables, but it wasn't busy during my visit.

I'd say the seating area is the only part of this establishment that I found positive.

Food & Drink

I ordered a decaf long black, paid for it, but about 10 minutes later was told that they don't actually have decaf.  Sigh.
Blueberry Muffin. $6.
From the muffin lineup, I opted for the blueberry, since I don't care for orange poppy, and there was only one chocolate muffin left, and I wasn't particularly excited for it, so I figured I'd save that for someone else.

It was ... better than the blueberry muffin from Peroni Bar (review soon!), less good than the one from Mach 2 (stay tuned!).  Basically a generic, convenience store quality muffin.  Clearly loaded with preservatives, sweet, but, not dried out nor spongy, so, not that bad.  It had a good number of blueberries.

The berries were well distributed, but weren’t fresh juicy berries, instead, they were seemingly dried?  Overall, this trended on the sweet not wholesome side, but, much like a Costco muffin, I did enjoy it somewhat.    I shared it with a friend, who enjoyed it, saying it was "nommy".  I think that was an endorsement.
Soft Serve Ice Cream. $3.
I love ice cream.  I love soft serve ice cream in particular.

I did not love this ice cream.  I did not even like this ice cream.

But to rewind, I first asked if there were toppings available.  I was given the choice of chocolate, caramel, or strawberry.  I asked for caramel.  Then the cashier said, "oh, let me check".  After a consult with someone else, he said it was broken.  I clarified, "no ice cream, or just no caramel", curious about the word choice of "broken" and "caramel".  He implied no ice cream at all, so I said a bit louder, "Ok, so not just no caramel, no ice cream at all?", in which the other worker, the one who had said the caramel was not an option, said the ice cream was fine.  And that all toppings were broken, whatever that meant.  Clearly, they came from some kind of broken dispenser?

So, plain ice cream it was.  Only offered in a bowl.  Of course I had my own sprinkles with me, so I was ready to jazz it up, but it proved unnecessary, as I only had a few bites and threw it out.

It was grainy, icy, sour.  The texture was bad, the flavor was bad, and honestly, I worried if it had spoiled.

Um, yeah.  Clearly, would not get this again.

Better Burger Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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