Thursday, May 05, 2022

Mrs. Redd's Pies

Mrs. Redd’s Pie Company is a hard brand to learn about.  They have no website.  Yup, in the year 2022, a company exists with no website.  And in this case, it is not because its a tiny little local bakery in a small town.  

Mrs. Redd's does have a retail bakery location, but their baked goods are primarily distributed by grocery stores and supermarkets, at least in California.  I see their "pies" on the shelves at my local Safeway all the time, right alongside Hostess, and I know Walmart carries them too.  It seems Mrs. Redd's is a fairly big brand, just, one with virtually no internet presence.  All I could learn about the company is their moto:

"Real fruit filling."

So I can't tell you much about the brand, besides that they make snack pies, much like Hostess, in a variety of flavors: apple, cherry, berry, chocolate, vanilla, coconut, pineapple, and lemon.  They claim to be "locally sourced" and use real fruit.  Reviews are generally quite positive, always saying how they are better than Hostess.  I've tried to find the coconut, pineapple, vanilla, or chocolate ones in stores near me, but alas, the less exciting apple, cherry, berry, and every once in a while, lemon, ones are all my stores seem to have.

I've wondered about the brand for a while, so, one day, when really craving that kind of thing, I took a plunge, and picked up a few.  They all come as individuals, in paper bags.  I suspected they'd be much like the Hostess snack pies (which I've reviewed before) they were displayed alongside (e.g. not an actual pie crust, made for one-handed eating, and filled with generic goo, not wholesome ingredients), or perhaps akin to McDonald's pies (which I've also reviewed)?
Berry Pie.

The first one I tried was the "berry" pie.

I eagerly opened my package to find my berry pie.  It was significantly smaller than the packaging.  I bit in to the end and ... honestly, was met with disappointment.  The bite was entirely crust, even though I took a big bite.  And that crust?  Well, kinda, gross?  I knew it wouldn't be flaky pie crust, but, I thought with the glaze it would have some kind of redeeming element.  It really ... didn't.  It didn't taste like much at all, it wasn't particularly sweet, and the texture was just ... there.  

I pushed onward.  Crust only ... uh ... *+.

Berry Pie: Cross Section.

What were the berries lurking within?  A glance at the ingredients tells me it is ... blackberries.  Just blackberries.  For some reason, I expected a mix of berries.  Why not just call this blackberry pie?  I wished I had looked at the label before purchasing, because, honestly, I would have picked cherry, or even lemon, instead.  I just don't dig blackberries that much (seeds!).  I say this as someone who grew up with blackberry bushes in her yard, and copious amounts of fresh berries, and always, blackberry pies.  Oh, well.  The imagery on the front wrapper was indeed only blackberries, so, not entirely misleading.  Again, oh, well.

Once I got past the end crust, the pie really was loaded up with filling.  And I need not fear those blackberry seeds, as seeds were nowhere to be found.  It was just dark colored, vaguely berry flavored, goo.  Thick, gloopy goo.  Er, "real fruit filling"?

At room temperature, this thing was just ... not good.  Hostess pies are considerably better.  But still, I pushed onward.

I threw it in the toaster oven for a few minutes to warm it up.  I got out maple ice cream, whipped cream, and fresh blackberries.  I served it warm, a la mode, with extra berries and whip, and then, and only then, did I enjoy it.  But ... I certainly wouldn't get another, as it didn't offer much besides some warm fruity goo to top my ice cream/whip/berries.

What is remarkable about it is that it is somehow 520 calories, and 21g fat, for a very small pie.  If it tasted particularly decadent, I can understand that, but I have no clue where all those calories went - this didn't taste like it should be particularly calorie-laden, and given that it required at least one scoop of ice cream and a generous pile of whipped cream to make it edible, I quickly had a 1000 calorie mediocre dessert on my hands.

** as packaged, **+ once warm, *** once warm and a la mode + whip + berries.  Clearly, not getting another.

Update Review: Except, really strangely, I found myself craving another a few days later.  So I got another.  I served it warm, a la mode, with fresh blueberries this time, and liked it even more.  I was just really in the mood for it I think.  I think I still like Hostess ones more though, the crust on this one just isn't as good. ***+ for served my way, with adjusted expectations, and strong craving.

Apple Pie.

Still intrigued by Mrs. Redd's I opted for the apple pie next, since, well, it is a classic, and, as I said in my review of a similar product from Entenmann's, "Sometimes, a simple little snack pie is all you want." 

I had a better sense of what to expect this time though, and when that first bite at room temperature yielded all mediocre crust and no filling, I was ready for it.  My toaster oven was also ready, so I could warm it up, as I knew how much that transformed the berry pie.

Once warmed up, and served a la mode, I really actually enjoyed this pie.  It doesn't have as much glaze as its Entenmann's or Hostess counterparts, and the crust isn't particularly great (it isn't bad either, it just kinda "is"), but when eaten together with ice cream and filling, it was a complete tasty bite.  The filling was diced apple and some goo, nice to have the apple bits, but still plenty of thick goo.  Lightly spiced.  Again, not remarkable, but warmed up, with the ice cream and the crust, I was quite satisfied.

I wouldn't go out of my way for this pie, and it certainly wasn't as glorious as something like the deep fried version from Krispy Krunchy Chicken (zomg, like their mac and cheese, sooo good, and yes it is just fast food!), but when you know what to expect, and how to serve it, it is quite satisfying, and for $1 a pie ... absolutely worth it.



  1. You lost your mind. Maybe it's you and not the pie, as it's much better priced and flavors. Hostess taste like straight sugar.

    1. It's 2 for $1 right now at Stater Bro, I'm surprised at how the filling tasted so delicious and light of sugar taste, compared to pop tart or McDonald's apple pie.

  2. I agree with anonymous, you've lost your mind. First of all, Mrs Redds is $0.55 each, not $1.00, which makes it a great value. And with its much better taste than Hostess, it's my go to treat. The berry pie would be my last choice of their selection, with cherry, apple and lemon being my favorites. Hostess used to be good until they changed ownership. All of their formulas were altered. I won't waste my money on Hostess. Keep up the good work Mrs Redds.

    1. It's on sale for 2 for $1 at my Stater Brothers. Pop it in the air fryer and put 1 minute 400 degree, the preheat and 1 minute is enough for me to come back after 5-30 minutes, and enjoy a hot/warm pocket pie on a cold morning.

  3. You state that blackberries are not your first choice and yet you had fresh blackberries on hand. i agree with everyone else. You lost your damn mind. These are 100% better than Hostess. Thankfully i came across this because now i am going to toss mine in the airfryer.

  4. The bakery was located near the 10 freeway growing up in Colton we would go over there and see if they had any leftovers we were never disappointed the guys would always give us a little box full of them they were good little pies and this was during the '60s I might have been about maybe six or seven years old so they've been around for a long time I'm 63 now going on 64

  5. Everyone here is flaming you hard for the review I think you were just too critical of the brand , it is true that it is difficult to find the origins of this brand but there is no need to compare it to Hostess when in retrospect these pies are delicious for only 50.cents at the grocery store a cheap and reliable staple to many , I hope you can rethink your rating on the berry pie that is personally my favorite

  6. I always like Mrs. Redd's pies. I will always choose that brand over any other on the shelf. One thing that makes them stand out is that it's been family owned for so long, and they actually have more clean ingredients than some other shelf stable pies. I don't live in CA anymore, and I find myself craving a little pie every now and then.

  7. I'm here to tell you the chocolate pudding pie is excellent, and the vanilla pudding pie, of which I haven't seen the like since childhood, is magnificent. The lemon version leaves you with the feeling and taste of having had lemon merengue pie. And the pineapple...! I'm just happy there's still a bakery making these light tasting, non-greasy dessert pies. Today's Hostess might as well be Great Value.

  8. Mind lost…Yes. Mrs Redd’s pies are far superior to Hostess and sell for a much lower price

  9. Hello,
    My name is Nick and I am the third generation owner of Mrs Redd’s Pie Company. I appreciate your review and everyone’s comments. Our pies are not for everyone, but I have made it my goal to provide a great tasting, affordable treat. That being said, we are not perfect and are prone to making mistakes like everyone else. I would love to send you some more pies on me as these look so different than what we produce everyday. Also, I would invite you to our plant if you’re ever in the area and you can see all the real fruit we put in our fillings. Plus it’s a kick to see the production line… it looks like Willy Wonka!
    For the love of pie,

    1. Hi Nick! I appreciate the outreach! This is a fairly old review (2 years), and I'd love to do an update review. I haven't actually seen your pies at my local Safeway recently. You also totally appealed to my Wonka-sense - that was one of my absolute favorite movies as a child :). I don't have plans to visit the area where your plant is, but if there is a way for me to get my hands on some pies, I'd happily update this post! Let me know if there is a good way for me to give you my contact info.

    2. Sounds good!
      Email me with your contact info and I will set that up:

    3. Hello Nick, I am a big fan of Mrs.Redd's pies. I was wondering if you guys sell the coconut creme pies only on specific locations like Food4Less? I usually find myself in Julie's position where most of the flavors are apple, cherry or lemon. I sometimes get lucky and find a vanilla filled pie but rarely find the coconut creme. I haven't had a coconut creme pie in very long time and when I do see one you bet I am going to get it without hesitation.

  10. I was pregnant in 1986 and my cravings were the pineapple, coconut cream, vanilla pudding and chocolate Mrs reds’s delicious pies, sometimes they were on sale, 10 for $1.00


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