Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dinner @ Quince

Last night we continued our spree of eating at Michelin starred restaurants in their lounge area. As I've said previously, I'm a big fan of this style of dining, as it allows me to eat delicious food in more casual settings, without making reservations. The experience can vary quite a bit, and I never know what to expect. For example, some allow you to order off the main menu, some restrict you to a subset of the menu, others have you order only off the completely...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Chocolate Reviews, February 21

This week's chocolate reviews! My weekly tasting this week had a fun theme: Upscale movie theatre chocolates! To start off, we were given a classic Whopper and then a Recchiuti dark chocolate covered malt ball to compare. While I didn't love any of the movie theatre confections, this was a fun theme! Summary of the week's chocolates: I think I just don't like Recchiuti chocolates very much. And I found a new line of toffee I want to explore (Poco Dolce). Jelly Belly Dark chocolate covered raspberry jelly beans: Tasting...