Friday, February 19, 2016

Grandma's Cookies

Ok, so you know I don't really care for cookies.  Particularly not packaged ones.  But everyone knows I love desserts, so, from time to time random baked goods show up on my doorstep.  Like Grandma's Cookies.  No, not MY grandma's cookies, but Grandma's cookies, produced by Frito-Lay. The company description makes these seem, well, like something Grandma might make I guess: "GRANDMA’S® cookies offer a delicious variety of homemade memories. With...

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Boon Cafe, Sydney

Boon Cafe is not just another cafe in Sydney.  While I adore the cafe culture in Sydney, Boon is something quite different.  For one, it is located on the side of a Thai grocery store, somewhat reminding me of Cafe Sopra and Fratelli Fresh.  The cuisine is thai, always a favorite of mine while I'm in Sydney, and it is brought to you by the folks behind Chat Thai (which I've visited many times).  However, the cuisine is quite different from...