Thursday, June 12, 2014

Special Ben & Jerry's: Margarita Pie.

Ben & Jerry's isn't exactly novel.  I've reviewed Ben & Jerry's fairly extensively before, and a few weeks ago I even reviewed some of the Ben & Jerry's flavors that I recently consumed in Europe.  So I'll skip all the basics.  You know Ben & Jerry's.    I recently attended Chipotle's Cultivate Festival in San Francisco, and at the event, Ben & Jerry's introduced a special flavor: Margarita Pie.  It was available...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Pica Pica Arepa Kitchen

There are certain foods, like yuca and taro, that I sometimes get really random cravings for.  Something about the starchiness just calls out to me, in a way that no potato ever can. I've tried yuca fries at a few places, but I haven't been impressed, like the greasy, starchy, poorly cooked ones at Destino, or the better, but still not memorable, ones from Limón.  Thus, my great yuca fries quest, like so many of my quests, continues. This time, rather...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

President Chibo, Tokyo

During my recent business trip to Tokyo, one of our co-workers lead us to several lunches as a group, so we could experience real Japanese cuisine, rather than just the fancy Michelin stared meals that I lined up.  The first lunch was mediocre ramen, at BeeHive.  Next, he took us to President Chibo, a restaurant specializing in okonomiyaki.  Chibo is part of a larger chain throughout Japan, although nothing about it really struck me as "chain-like"....

Monday, June 09, 2014

Playero, Alcudia

I recently took a brief side trip to the island of Mallorca, off the coast of Barcelona, with a group of co-workers while we were en route to a business trip in Zurich (yes, this really did make sense!) We rented a stunning villa, right on the beach.  We arrived late at night, so were not able to see anything about our surroundings.  The next morning, we needed breakfast, and decided to take a stroll down the beach, and wound up at Playero, which I'd read...