Friday, April 23, 2021

Snack Pack Puddings

Update Reviews, March 2021Um, yum.I know it isn't the best pudding out there.  I know I haven't exactly raved about it before, originally finding it quite awful, and eventually finding it acceptable, but requiring jazzing up.  Yup, I'm talking about shelf-stable, packaged Snack Packs.  But you know what?  In the "pandemic years" these things really grew on me.  For days where you want a fast, creamy comfort food, having some Snack Packs...

Thursday, April 22, 2021


Update Reviews, April 2021I used to eat a fair number of SusieCakes cupcakes (and, to a lesser extent, cakes).  Not because I ever particularly loved them, but, because they often wound up at my office up for grabs.  I always found them to be "ok" but not great, although their carrot cake is pretty marvelous, as you've read about before.I'll spare you a general overview of SusieCakes since I've reviewed it so many times before and just leave you with...

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Heartbrand Ice Creams, Europe

Update Review, 2020 TastingYup, I've reviewed Heartbrand ice cream several times before, in Europe (below), and their equivalent in Australia (Streets).  So I'm quite familiar with their version of Drumsticks, dubbed "Cornettos".I've always found Cornettos to be slightly better than similar US treats, but not exactly something I'd travel across the world for.  Ok, I still wouldn't travel just to get these, but, when I tried another variety last time...