Friday, September 20, 2013

Green Giant Chips

Green Giant makes chips.  Yes, THAT Green Giant, (unless there are multiple companies with the same name and same ridiculous green man), apparently makes ... chips?  What?  I never expected to see the giant outside of the canned and frozen veggie aisles! They make two types of chips: roasted veggie tortilla chips and multigrain sweet potato chips, both in several flavors.  I guess the veggie focus fits with the rest of their products? I honestly...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Lefty O'Doul's Bar at AT&T Park

Not being a baseball fan, the name Lefty O'Doul meant nothing to me.  But apparently, he was a baseball player, who then opened a bar near Union Square in San Francisco in 1958.  The bar is actually still open, and serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  It sounds like quite the place, with the food served cafeteria style.  But what makes it famous, besides the name, and being around for so long, is the cocktails.  Apparently Lefty made some...

Monday, September 16, 2013

Pizza Hut Cinnamon Sticks

Pizza Hut is one of those places that pretty much everyone in America has been to.  Does anyone think it is very good?  Nah.  But, inevitably, you wound up eating the pizza at some point in life. For me, it was when I was in elementary school, and they sponsored the BookIt program.  I don't remember the details exactly, but you read books, collected stars in the form of stickers that went on a pin, and somehow that turned into a free personalized...

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nuubia Chocolat

It has been a while since I've found a new local chocolate maker.  For a while, it seemed like there was a new one to try every week, but I finally thought I'd exhausted the supply of local chocolatiers.  And then I found Nuubia, a recent addition to the local chocolate scene, based in Pleasanton, founded in 2011. The main chef has won numerous awards over his career, and was even the "Executive Chocolate Chef" for the Wynn group in Vegas. I had no idea...