Friday, August 03, 2018

Cobs Popcorn, Australia

Yup, yup, I adore snacks, I adore popcorn.  I write about them often enough to have blog labels dedicated to them.  Even more fun is trying snacks in other countries, so when I was in Sydney, I gladly tried a local brand: Cobs.  The products were much better than the other local brand I had previously tried, and reviewed, Jonny's. Cobs makes several product ranges: popcorn, organic popcorn, caramel popcorn, Hip Chips, and corn chips.  The...

Thursday, August 02, 2018

Uncle Tetsu, Sydney

Japanese cheesecake.  Its a thing.  A rage in other parts of the world, where "famous" Japanese cheesecake shops are opening up, often with ridiculous lines, and limits on the number of items a single person can purchase (ohai, cronuts).  If you haven't had it before, expecting "cheesecake" like you know (Italian style, New York style, etc), will leave you confused and disappointed.  Instead, think of it as a lighter thing - less sweet, less rich,...

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Three Williams, Sydney

Sydney is very, very good at brunch.  Puts San Francisco to shame.  The offerings are vast, creative, and generally, delicious. On my visit to Sydney in February, I only had one day I could get brunch, as I was working the rest of the time.  I nearly returned to Cuckoo Callay, as it was the best brunch I've had in recent memory (seriously, those fondant pancakes - my review here), but the menu had changed, and there wasn't anything particularly calling...

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Let's Do Yum Cha Food Truck, Sydney

When in Sydney, go to the food trucks?  Yeah, not my normal agenda, but  I found Let's Do Yum Cha at a winter festival.  It was one of several trucks, and, like seemingly everyone else, I was drawn in by the idea of yum cha (dim sum to you Americans ...). I love a good dumpling, and Sydney has so much amazing asian food, I was pretty hopeful that this random truck would deliver.  Yum cha seems like a good fit for a truck actually, as steam...