Thursday, September 05, 2019

Kimuraya, Tokyo

I first discovered melon pan in Tokyo, several visits ago, when someone brought them into our office.  I was totally in love with the sweet soft dough and the crispy cookie-like top.  I was also very jetlagged, and likely easily influenced by ravenous hunger at unpredictable times. But ever since that visit, I've sought out melon pan, not only in Tokyo (including at the breakfast buffet at the Westin, which did have good chocolate chip melonpan, and Sekai...

Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Mannaken, Tokyo

Waffles.  One of my favorite topics.  Not just foods, topics.  Remember that whole phase of waffling all my leftovers?  Yeah, I love waffles.  Particularly when we are talking crispy liege waffles, like my absolute favorites from b. Street Waffles in San Francisco.  Oh yes. Waffles will draw me in.  They will cause me to do unexpected things.  Like, ditch my plans to get a dessert 2 blocks away, a carefully researched, deliberately...