Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Lakeview Bistro Breakfast Buffet @ Westin Bonaventure, Los Angeles

I was in Los Angeles for a quick recruiting trip, and stayed at The Westin Bonaventure.  My schedule was jam packed, and, I quickly learned that downtown LA was not somewhere I'd want to walk around to find options anyway, so, I just had breakfast at the hotel restaurant, the "Lakeview Bistro". Breakfast: Day 1. Sadly, it was inconsistent.  It was great one day, but, alas, not the next. Setting Indoor Entrance. The Lakeview Bistro is located in...

Monday, March 12, 2018

Cinnabon @ Home

Cinnabon.  Yes, if you've ever been to a mall, you know it. But strangely, um, I didn't really.  I didn't grow up in an area with malls.  We went once a year to the big city a few hours a way for back to school shopping, but that mall didn't have a Cinnabon.  I literally never encountered one until I was in my late 20s, and there was one in an airport, and the friends I was traveling with were all excited.  I think I had a bite then, but,...