Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Waffling Leftovers: Savory Bread Pudding

Yes, I waffle almost all my leftovers these days.  I can't help it.  It truly enjoy it, even when the results are disastrous. If this is your first time reading about such things, I suggest you start with my master post, and then return here, as I'm skipping the basis behind this madness here. Savory Bread Pudding Transformation. Today's adventure is with savory bread pudding. I was shocked when I went to write this one up, expecting to add it on to...

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Ms. G's, Sydney

I've now been to Sydney enough times to have formed a decent short list of go-to restaurants for different circumstances. Ms. G's has become a mainstay of that list. My first visit was in February 2015, with just one other person, and I quickly realized that it is ideal to bring a small group of 4-6 (which of course, I did, the following year). I also successfully brought a *very* large group there, and that did work, but 4-6 is still my idea group size for Ms....