Friday, October 18, 2013

Pretzel Crisps

A few years ago, I somehow got my hands on a bag of Pretzel Crisps.  They are basically like flattened out pretzels.  You get the joy of the crunch of eating something like chips, but they are baked and healthier, and make for excellent vessels for dipping, or topping.  The reason I remember these pretzels is because one night, in a random act of snackiness, I made an amazing creation: pretzel crisps, coated with my absolute favorite mustard (Sierra...

Monday, October 14, 2013

Peninsula Catering

My apartment complex throws a number of parties every year, all with catered food.  Sometimes it is amazing, sometimes very lackluster.  Our last winter solstice party was a big disappointment, catered by J. Jardine, and wasn't good at all.  It was a huge letdown, because the prior year's event was amazing (I wish I knew who had catered that one).  Then we had an Oscar's viewing party catered by Delessio, that was good.  Not amazing, but solid....