Friday, September 07, 2018


Update Review, 2018 Oh HalfPops.  I last reviewed them in 2012, but I've had them many times. I keep giving HalfPops more attemps, because I really should love this product.  I love snacks.  I love popcorn.  I'm the girl who eats all the kernels in the bottom of the popcorn bag, and loves naturally half-popped popcorn. But HalfPops?  Meh.  Even when they make incredible flavors.  Such a shame. Black Truffle & Sea Salt. "We...

Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Air Canada, AC8462, Montreal to Boston, Business Class Dinner

Flight Details: Flight #: AC8462 Departure: Montreal, 4:15pm (scheduled), 4:45 or so (actual, because, the navigation system went down, we had to pull over, and reset the circuit breaker?!) Arrival: Boston, 5:37 (scheduled), 6:30 or so (actual, because, then we had no available gate. Because, sigh). Seat: 2A, Business I'll spare you a aircraft review, since I failed to take a photo anyway, and wasn't expecting to do a review.  CRJ-900, an actual comfortable...

Monday, September 03, 2018

Milkshakes from Boloco

Yes, Boloco is a burrito place, but I'm here to talk about milk shakes.  If you care to read about the burritos, you can read my review of the lackluster burritos I had at a catered event.Boloco's menu is burritos, bowls, and salads.  Yes.  But if you read further, you'll find smoothies and shakes, all made with fresh ingredients.  Totally random really, an odd match, but, I wanted to try them. Shakes are available in only 4 varieties: 3...