Saturday, October 13, 2012

Demo by Yigit Pura

Scharffen Berger is currently running a contest, dubbed the Chocolate Adventure Contest.  The contest is simple: create your best sandwich cookie, using Scharfen Berger chocolate, and at least one of the twelve "adventure ingredients", and submit the recipe.  A panel of celebrity judges will pick a winner. To kick off the contest, they had several local celebrity pastry chefs create and demonstrate their own entries for the contest.  Attendance was...

Friday, October 12, 2012

Chips from Food Should Taste Good

I first discovered Food Should Taste Good products at my office a few years ago.  Since then, they have been popping up all over the place, now offered at most cafes around town. I like the idea behind them, trying to make chips and snack foods out of more wholesome ingredients, yet still taste good.  Unfortunately, I don't think they live up to their name.  They offer three product lines: tortilla chips, kettle chips, and crackers.  The tortilla...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Donuts from Rolling Pin

After our adventure to falafel wraps, Ojan had a measly $1.47 left of GoPago credits, expiring mid-afternoon on Monday.  Not wanting to squander them, I looked around to see what we could get for ~$1.  There were lots of options: dolmeh, falafel, tons of chips, or ... donuts!  ZOMG. I have a fondess for donuts that I don't all that often indulge in.  Ok, that isn't quite true, I have a fair number of donuts, but they tend to be fancy ones like...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

From Ales to Fromage Series at Piccino Cafe

You've rarely seen me write about beer in a post.  In fact, the only time I can remember posting about it was from my amazing dinner at Chez TJ, where one dish was paired with a beer.  Why?  The answer is simple: I'm just not a beer girl.  I haven't had that much exposure to it, but I've never liked it.  Most I really can't stand, while some I can tolerate, but  I can't think of a single situation in which I'd pick beer when given the...

New Blog Format - Daily Themes

You may have noticed that I've been posting a little bit differently lately.  Rather than posting right as things happen, I've been following daily themes.  I'm liking this new format, as it forces me to be a bit more creative.  After all, I couldn't just review foie gras forever!  Obviously, if I don't have content for a given day that matches the theme or if I get very excited about a post, I might stray from this, but here is my plan: Sunday: Chocolate day!  This one I've been doing for a...

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Even more Rubio's!

As you may have realized by now, I have a thing for Rubio's, ever since I discovered it on my first visit when I was inspired by a free birthday taco coupon.  Seriously, the most successful freebie ever! I've really enjoyed everything I have had there, and the quality for the price point just can't be beat.  It is completely amusing to me that I have gotten so into Rubio's, given that I first visited at a time when I was eating at high end restaurants about...

Monday, October 08, 2012

Nick's Wheely Good Breakfast

I don't seek out food trucks often, but I discovered the Nick's Wheely Good Breakfast food truck at an event at work.  Even though it wasn't morning, I was drinking a coffee at the time, and when I saw the menu of breakfast items, I was instantly drawn in.  I love breakfast foods, and pairing with my coffee seemed like a good enough excuse to go for breakfast food rather than lunch food. I'm glad I did.  Even though they were sold out of my first few...

Sunday, October 07, 2012

L.A. Burdick Chocolate

Every year, my mother still sends me a box of goodies for Halloween.  Last year, it contained some candy corn, and mediocre generic chocolate.  I think she must have gotten the memo that her daughter has turned into a chocolate snob, as this year, the box contained chocolates from L.A. Burdick! Burdick is a small chocolatier located in Walpole, NH, although they also have cafes in Cambridge, MA and NYC, which is where they are more widely known.  In...