Friday, July 07, 2023

Cap'n Crunch Cereal

Cap'n Crunch is not a cereal I grew up with.  While I was vaguely aware of it, we were a strictly Life cereal family, with some dabbles in Rice Krispies and Raisin Bran, but, definitely never Cap'n Crunch.  And unlike many other sugary kid's cereals, like Fruit Loops or Cocoa Puffs, once I hit adulthood, I didn't find any reason to seek it out.  And thus, I lived 40 years without ever having Cap'n Cruch."Cap'n Crunch® is the famed adventurer and breakfast...

Thursday, July 06, 2023

Candy's Cakes, Boston

When I recently visited Boston, I of course did a bit of research into where to get great baked goods.  I could of course have gotten the very famous cannoli and goodies from Mike's Pastry (or Modern Pastry), and that would be the most classic Boston experience, but, I wanted something a bit different.  Somehow my searches led me to Candy's Cakes, a very small local bakery, with Asian flair, and very little online presence.  They have a basic website,...

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Rosebud American Kitchen & Bar, Somerville

Sometimes when I travel, I seek out the top restaurants in an area.  Sometimes I lean in to regional specialities, appreciating cuisine I don't get in San Francisco.  Usually, my meals and orders are well planned out and strategic.  But sometimes ... even I get drawn in by moments of random inspiration and impulse orders.Which is what happened when I was recently in Boston, and ordered from Rosebud, a diner in nearby Somerville.  Why was Rosebud...

Monday, July 03, 2023

Sam Choy's Poke to the Max

Ah, the joys of airport dining.  Grumpy staff.  Frantic other customers.  Food rarely freshly prepared.  Captive audience.  High prices.  Generally, highly unsatisfying on all dimensions: taste, value, service.  And yet, there I was, in SeaTac airport, with a delayed flight, looking for some food.Of course, I had done my research in advance and knew my options, as I knew such a scenario could arise.  I wasn't planning to...