Friday, July 06, 2018


Yes, most granola is not exactly healthy, even though its easy to think it is.  Grains, nuts, fruits, its good for you right?  Uh-huh.  Look at the nutrition stats and serving sizes, and realized that your "health food" isn't exactly that. There are a slew of companies trying to make healthier granola though, less sugar added, not loaded with oils, non-GMO, etc.  gr8nola is one of those companies. "We're redefining granola for the modern, health-conscious...

Thursday, July 05, 2018

Enlightened Ice Cream

Healthy ice cream.  One of the latest food trends.  One I've had very little interest in. Years ago, I did go through a "healthy" phase, where I did care about fats and calorie counts, and I remember discovering Arctic Zero (it was brand new on the market at the time), and I was so excited.  It sounded too good to be true.  200-400 calories in ... an entire pint?!  Full of protein?  OMG.  And then I tried it.  It was not...

Monday, July 02, 2018

Pret a Manger, UK

I finally, finally went to Pret a Manger.  After walking by a zillion times, on nearly every street in London. Why?  Because I attended an evening reception for a conference I was at, and they had the nerve to not serve dessert (!).  My sweet tooth needed something.  And Pret was on the way back to the hotel.  Likely ... there is a Pret on the way back to anywhere in London, as they seemed to be on every corner.  If you are unfamiliar,...