Friday, May 22, 2020

Woodridge Snacks

I'm a snacker.  No secret.  I love to munch on things.  I also love to throw snack foods on top of "salads" or "bowls", making them horribly unhealthy.  It's what I do. I was pretty thrilled to discover a new brand of snacks, Woodbridge.  Why?  Not just because it was a new brand, but because they had ... TEMPURA SEAWEED CHIPS!!!!  While I may not be a standard potato chip fan, these had my name all over them. "Inspired by the...

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Eli's Cheesecake

As you know, I eat my share of desserts.  As in, well, a dessert follows every single lunch, every single dinner, without fail.  I have my favorite types of desserts (warm pies a la mode I'm looking at you!) and my least favorites (bars, cookies, brownies ... just not exciting!), and then there are the ones that I just need to be in the right mood for.  Like cheesecake. There are times where I adore cheesecake.  And plenty of times where I'm fairly...