Friday, February 21, 2014

Full Bloom Baking Co

The only place I've ever found Full Bloom Baking Co's products is aboard Virgin America.  And they carry only a single item.  But I like them, so every time I fly on Virigin, I always make sure to grab a package.  But alas, Virgin no longer carries them.  I need to figure out where else they are sold, as they are a local Bay Area company, so I should be able to find them somewhere!  They don't seem to have a website, or a retail location however,...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Another Meal at Home Hill Inn

My family lives in New Hampshire, and I never expected to find a restaurant there that I liked, given that I'm now from the big city of San Francisco.  But I did.  Several visits back, I discovered Home Hill Inn.  I had a truly phenomenal skate wing on my first visit for dinner.  I had a stellar brunch on my next.  I even arranged a formal tasting dinner in the private room for myself, my mother, and some of her friends, where we had really,...

Monday, February 17, 2014

Edible Arrangements

If you work in an office building, you have undoubtably encountered Edible Arrangements.  They are the ones who make edible bouquets by taking fresh fruit, cutting it into shapes, dipping it in chocolate, and displaying it like a flower bouquet.  As a lover of all things sweet, I think it is a cute idea to send an edible bouquet to someone, but ... it still doesn't quite make sense. The fruit, even if super fresh when they get it, has a pretty short shelf...