Friday, October 21, 2016

Alpro Non-Dairy Puddings, Europe

Alpro is a Belgian company that produces alternative dairy products, distributed throughout Europe.  I discovered them in Germany, while visiting my Munich office, where our microkitchens were stocked with Alpro products.  At the time, I had no idea the products were not dairy based. They make a variety of milks (soy, almond, cashew, hazelnut, coconut, rice, oat, and blends), all in a number of flavors, plus yogurts and a cream alternative, and ... desserts!...

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Burger King, Munich

On my recent trip to Munich, I walked by Burger King one day, just out of curiosity.  I always love to see what different items Burger King, McDonald's, and the like have in other countries.  It has become a bit of a tradition for me to visit a fast food place while traveling, just to try out something new.  Sometimes, you find real gems, like the Croque McDo in France! I was tempted by items at both Burger King and McDonalds, like the chocolate McToast...

Monday, October 17, 2016

Salads from Rubio's

By now, you surely know about my not-so-secret love of Rubio's, a fast casual Mexican chain restaurant that I discovered a few years ago in San Francisco.  No, I don't really like Mexican cuisine, and no I don't really like fast casual, but, uh, Rubio's is delicious.  I've reviewed basically every single type of taco that they make, and the new enchiladas, and the burritos, plus all the seasonal seafood specials, like the signature langostino lobster,...