Friday, May 31, 2019

Super Eats High Protein Puffs

Super Eats.  Makers of high protein, reduced carb puffs.  Snack food of ... champions? I will fully admit that even though I love trying all kinds of snacks, I had ... essentially zero hope for these products.  But hey, given my munchy tendencies, if I could find a snack food that was healthier, had protein, and tasted good, it was worth a try, right?  "A serving of Puffs contains 8 grams of complete protein, <1g of sugar, and 25-50% fewer...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Cookies from Mrs. Fields

Update Review, May 2019 I've reviewed basic Mrs. Fields cookies before, so I won't intro this beyond reminding you that I think they are basically fine cookies, but not remarkable.  And I'm not much of a cookie girl anyway.  You are likely familiar with Mrs. Fields anyway, if you've walked through a mall food court and smelt fresh cookies. Someone in my office ordered a customized cookie cake for a baby shower.   Mrs. Field's dubs...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Skool Restaurant

Skool opened in San Francisco several years ago, in the Dogpatch.  It was on my radar early on, a seafood focused restaurant, with exciting menus.  I remember being pretty interested in the menu, and it got positive reviews.  I honestly have no idea why I never visited. And, well, I still haven't visited.  But they are open for lunch Tues-Fri, brunch on weekends, and dinner Tues-Sun.  The menus continue to sound great. So, I finally...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Plaza Premium Lounge, MEL

This is a short lounge review, as I cruised through the Plaza Premium Lounge *very* briefly just to check it out, in and out in under 5 minutes.  I had access to the Qantas First Class lounge via my generous seatmate, so I only stopped in the Plaza Premium Lounge to see it, for future reference.  And nibble a few things, for you dear readers. The lounge is pretty basic, seating generic, food line up generic.  The lounge shares bathrooms, showers, and...