Friday, March 14, 2014

Taste of Nature

I always have some form of granola or snack bar stashed in my purse, for when I'm out running errands and realize it is snack time.  Yet, I still haven't found a brand I really like.  You'd think that I'd give up and just find some kind of alternate snack to carry around (like ... just mixed nuts and chocolate bars?), but alas, I keep trying new bars.  I'm determined. Taste of Nature makes a variety of snack bars, all USDA certified organic, gluten-free,...

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Baked Goods from Prima Cafe

You may remember my review of Prima Cafe a long time ago.  They serve my absolute favorite frozen yogurt in the city. But, they are also open for breakfast and lunch, and have a good looking baked goods selection in the morning.  You know I love breakfast baked goods, but Prima was originally only open Monday through Friday, so I never had the chance to try them.  Until now, as they recently added Saturdays hours too! Prima Cafe sources...

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Business Lunch @ Roka Akor

Last week, I reviewed Roka Akor, not for the experience of dining at the restaurant, but rather, for the incredible takeout sushi we had delivered one night at my office.  As I said in that review, there really does not exist better takeout sushi in San Francisco. But takeout is not what Roka Akor does.  They are a fine dining establishment.  Since being blown away by the takeout, I've been wanting to go to the restaurant for a real...

Monday, March 10, 2014

Catering by Dobbs Ferry

First, let me explain something.  Dobbs Ferry is not a caterer.  They are a regular full service restaurant and bar located in Hayes Valley, open for happy hour and dinner, and weekend brunch.  But, at my office for the past month, we've been getting catering once a week from Dobbs Ferry.  I'm not entirely sure why, I think it was a bit of a promotion for the restaurant, and a chance to just give us something a bit different.  I'm not sure...