Friday, February 02, 2024

The Natural Chip Co

"The Natural Chip Co".  Now, I don't know about you, but, "natural" is not the first word the comes to mind when it comes to chips.  That said, I don't really care what ridiculous name a company has, if they make interesting products.As you may have guessed, The Natural Chip Co makes, well, chips.  They have a sibling company, The Natural Cracker Co, that makes, you guessed it, crackers.  They are both Australian companies.  I think I...

Thursday, February 01, 2024

Stan's Donuts

Update Review, November 2023After several years, I was reunited with my favorite donuts in the Bay Area: Stan's!  A coworker diligently went before opening and brought them up to San Francisco from Santa Clara.  I went in with high expectations (and some fear that my memories at this point were too strong!).I've still never tried Stan's jelly donuts, cream or custard filled, cinnamon rolls or twists, their daily buttermilk flavors, or their fritters (Mondays...