Friday, August 11, 2023

Grains of Truth

Snacks.  While I have met a few people who claim to not really snack, I am not one of them.  I'm definitely a snacker (to the point that co-workers regularly mention how I'm munching on something all day).  I love my snacks.
"The truth is, we all love to snack, so we created Grains of Truth, bite size whole grain clusters made with tasty all natural ingredients."
I was drawn to Grains of Truth by the hope of at least picking something a bit healthier than my standard snacking options.  They make whole grain snacks in several varieties, but, after trying one, I wasn't compelled to seek out others.  
Coconut Banana Whole Grain Snacks.

These are made from fairly simple ingredients: whole grain cereal, dried coconut, dried banana, sugar, salt, rice bran oil, and, randomly, rosemary extract.  Really not a scary ingredient list at all.

But ... wow, I really did not like these.  I'm not sure exactly what I was expecting.  I think something crunchy and like granola chunks.  Instead, they were more like cereal, with puffed wheat?  Not as crunchy as I wanted.  I also do like coconut and I do like banana, and these tasted very strongly of both coconut and banana, but I did not like the flavor at all.  Maybe it was the odd rosemary in there muddling things?

I loved the idea of these, since I do love munching on chunks of granola or cereal, but these just weren't for me. **.