Friday, May 31, 2024

Lesser Evil Snack Foods

"Snacks that feel and taste good".Do I really care if my snacks "feel" good?  Nah.  Am I a healthy snacker?  Ha.  But do I love snack foods?  Oh yes.  And do I jump at the chance to try new products and brands, even if they don't appeal at first glance (hey, this is how we discover some gems!).  Of course.Lesser Evil makes several product lines, including my #1 snack obsession (popcorn!), along with Paleo Puffs, "Power Curls",...

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Nation’s Giant Hamburgers & Great Pies

Nation's Giant Hamburgers & Great Pies.I had never heard of this place, but it is a diner chain, with 28 locations, that has been around since the 1950s.  Started as a hot dog stand, expanded from there.  I guess pretty successful.As you can guess from the name, they serve burgers.  Large burgers.  The burgers are all 3/4 of a pound.  Along with regular hamburgers/cheeseburgers/bacon burgers, they also offer wild salmon, chicken, and meatless...

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Restauracja Kogel Mogel, Krakow

I was excited when I found out that one of our business dinners was taking place at Restauracja Kogel Mogel, while we were in Krakow.  They had Michelin star at one point, and reviews looked good."Fine-dining restaurant with stylish decor presenting refined takes on classic Polish cuisine."The setting was nice - a rustic building, filled with many different rooms, so it felt fairly private.  The menu was, well, Polish.  This will be a quick...

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Helvetic Airways, WAW-ZRH, Business Class

Flight Details:Flight: LX 1343Class: BusinessOrigin: Warsaw, Warsaw Frederic Chopin (WAW)Departing: Friday 17 May 2024 at 9:35AMDestination: Zurich, Zurich Airport (ZRH)Arriving: Friday 17 May 2024 at 11:35AMOur inbound aircraft was delayed getting in, but wow, they got people off fast, and turned the plane around in <10 minutes. I was honestly stunned by how fast they got it ready for boarding.  Taxi time was essentially zero, no line for takeoff, runway super...