Thursday, July 18, 2019

Big Gay Ice Cream, NYC

Ice cream.  Soft serve ice cream.  It is kinda my obsession in the summer.  I love it, and, San Francisco just doesn't have much of it, which, kinda makes sense, given that we don't really have what I consider appropriate "ice cream weather". But for a few months of the year, New York certainly does.  And when I'm there, I take full advantage of this. I finally made it to Big Gay Ice Cream, a New York staple in the soft serve scene.  It...

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Taiyaki NYC, Boston

Taiyaki NYC. Trendy.  Instragram worthy.  Now a chain.  As you might guess, most of the locations are in NYC, however they now have locations in Boston, Miami, and Toronto (a very random assortment of cities ...) And ... yeah, worth a visit. "Our mission is to unlock a magical exploration of the palette one Taiyaki NYC®  creation at a time." Taiyaki NYC is known for taiyaki ice cream cones, and in particular, for the fact that they make...

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Red's Best @ Boston Public Market

When I visit the east coast, I love to take advantage of the seafood variety that we just don't have in San Francisco.  Seriously, east coasters, you might know that people rave about Maine lobster, or your clam chowder, but, do you realize how lucky you are to have haddock? Or atlantic cod? Skate wing?  I really, really love, and miss, these proteins. So when I planned to meet up with a friend after work for dinner in Boston, I had one thing in mind: quality...