Friday, March 26, 2021

Tony's Chocoloney

Mmm, chocolate.I'm a firm believer that every morning should begin with some chocolate (alongside a black coffee, after my gummy vitamins).  And that every bored mid-morning moment needs some chocolate.  And, you know, anytime you want a little pick me up ...Yeah, I love chocolate.  Sometimes I'm all about smooth, creamy milk chocolate, other times I want legit dark and bitter.  Yup, even 100% bars.  Sometimes I like crunchy bits in it, or...

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Maxine's Ice Cream

I've been a fan of Three Twins Ice Cream since I first had the unique Lemon Cookie flavor years ago at an event, where one of the founders himself was there scooping up samples.  This was long before Three Twins was carried in any grocery stores, and I believe they had just one scoop shop, and did some occasional events like the one I was at.  I loved that flavor, and others that I later tried.   The unique flavors are good, but the just absolutely...