Friday, July 23, 2021

Terra Chips

Terra Chips sound exactly like a product I'd love.  I've been on a ridiculous chips craving fest for ... a year?  I don't even know how long.  Somehow, mid-pandemic, chips just became a staple of my life.  I eat them every day.  "For over two decades, TERRA® chips has had a passion for creating top quality, delicious chips. Our chips are made from real whole vegetables. We source a diverse range of root vegetables to create each...

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Sweet Joanna's Cafe

Sweet Joanna's is a cafe located close to my home and office.  I've walked by it daily, literally, for years, without giving it at second glance.  Open during the week only, for breakfast (bagels, egg sandos, etc) and lunch (sandwiches), and is always shockingly busy.  But as my office provided me with breakfast and lunch, I never had a reason to visit a cafe during the week.  So I walked on by.That is, until the year(s) of Covid.  Somehow,...