Friday, June 22, 2018

Earnest Eats Oatmeal Bars

More healthy granola-ish bars. Earnest Eats promises whole foods, supergrains, detox support, and more, all in forms related to oatmeal. They make several styles of healthier oatmeal: "Proteinbiotic" (extra protein and probiotics), "Superfood", and "Energized" (with natural caffeine from coffee fruit added).  And baked bars, which is the product I tried. Baked Whole Food Bars "TASTY, CHEWY AND TOTALLY UNCOMPLICATED. No spray-on vitamins or protein...

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Duck & Waffle, London

Duck & Waffle. A very hip, very trendy, very famous spot in London.  Notable for many things, ranging from the views (up on the 40th floor of Heron Tower, highest restaurant in the city), to the hours (open 24 hours, 7 days a week), to the cuisine (not just including the signature Duck & Waffle), to the ridiculous advance reservations you need for any reasonable meal time (literally, at least a month out). I've wanted to visit Duck & Waffle on...

Monday, June 18, 2018

Private Event @ Osha Lounge

I've long lamented the lack of great thai cuisine in San Francisco, which is not to say we don't have a lot of options, at all levels of the price spectrum, but, compared to the incredible thai food I've had in Sydney, I just can't find myself really that enthusiastic about options in San Francisco. When you mention thai food in San Francisco, one of the very first places that people will mention is Osha, a small chain, with several concepts, including full...