Friday, August 24, 2018

SS Frutas Plantain Chips

SS Frutas is an international food importer and distributor.  They work with farms in South America to harvest "exotic" fruits to bring to other countries.  Their main products are plantain and yucca chips. As a lover all snack foods, and chips in particular, I was eager to try them.  I didn't find the yucca variety, which would be my top pick, but I did try the plantain chips in several varieties. "Gluten-free, nutritious and delicious vegan plantain...

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Queues de Castor / BeaverTails, Montreal

I arrived in Montreal, for a very quick 2 day business trip, driven by my parents from their home in New Hampshire, since I was visiting them prior.  The plan was to drop me at hotel, get a snack, and for them to get back on the road, with a 3.5 hour drive ahead of them.  I presented a few options to my mom, all the things I wanted to check out, that I thought might appeal to them.  Poutine.  BeaverTails.  Soft serve dips.  Both my mom...