Friday, May 23, 2014


Somersaults are one of my favorite snack foods. Like chips, they are the ideal form factor for snacking, perfectly crunchy.  But unlike chips, they offer something nutritionally, as they are made from from sunflower seeds, wheat, and sesame seeds. According to the company, "Somersault Snacks are a nut-free, healthy sunflower seed snack. Somersaults provide impactful nutrition offering the same amount of protein with just half the fat of a serving...

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

CX0873, Business Class, SFO-HKG

As you read about last time, my recent business trip to Tokyo didn't begin exactly as planned.  I ranted a bit about the disaster that was my JAL flight, or, specifically, lack thereof, so I'll spare you re-hashing it again.  Let's just say that when I finally boarded a Cathay Pacific flight at midnight instead, 7 hours later, I wasn't in the best mood.  I was tired, I was hungry, and I was really questioning my decision to fly the extra distance to...

Monday, May 19, 2014

Mallorca Mondays!

Well, hello there. You may have noticed that I've been a bit silent for the past few weeks. Don't worry, I'm perfectly fine, I've just been traveling - to Spain, Zurich, and London! And, like any good food blogger, I was busy documenting all the interesting foods I consumed during my travels. And yes, there were Michelin stars.  And foie gras.  Lots of foie gras. Since I have a large line up of travel posts for Travelin' Tuesdays: Tokyo Edition, I've decided to give the regular Monday lineup up chain restaurants/food...