Friday, August 10, 2018

barkTHINS Snacking Chocolate

Chocolate. Snacks.  Yes.  These are things I like. Snacking chocolate?  Sounds good to me.  Sadly, barkTHINS didn't really do it for me. "barkTHINS are snackable slivers of dark chocolate paired with real, simple ingredientsfor a completely original take on snacking. It's Snacking. Elevated." Packaging. "Every bite is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. With an array of delightful ingredients and delicious dark chocolate, there’s a flavor for everyone." barkTHINS...

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Streets Ice Cream, Australia

Ah, ice cream.  One of my favorite things.  It should come as no surprise that when I visit another country, I get ridiculously excited to try out their ice cream treats.  And I don't actually mean trying all the fancy, high-end, artisan ice cream hand-crafted scoop-at-a-time using liquid nitrogen and all organic ingredients either (although, yes, last week I wrote about my favorite gelato in Sydney, Messina!)  No, I'm talking about the basic,...

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Good Times Artisan Ice Cream, Sydney

I live in San Francisco.  The land where it is ice cream weather perhaps ... 2 days a year.  For about 2 hours on each of those days.  It makes me very sad, as I love eating ice cream in the sun.  Soft serve ice cream in particular.  In a cone.  With toppings.  I miss it. I was thrilled to discover that soft serve is a fad in Sydney, which does make sense, given the incredible weather.  The first day I was in town I *had*...

Monday, August 06, 2018

Starbucks Frappuccinos

Update Review, 2017-2018 Visits I often use my Starbucks rewards as an opportunity to make ridiculous drinks.  I wouldn't ever normally buy these things, but, it always seems like a "waste" to use my reward for something more simple, even if that is a single-origin Clover brewed coffee that I really enjoy.  Nope, I always go big. I've been on a quest to perfect some kind of Frappuccino that is basically a milkshake.  I'm nearly there, but really,...