Friday, April 27, 2018

Cornology Popcorn

By now you know I'm obsessed with snacks, and popcorn in particular.  So I'll keep this short and sweet. Cornology is a fairly fancy popcorn company, not mass produced. They have shops in San Francisco and Japan only, where their goods are popped fresh, and packaged to order.  Beyond that, they only distribute through small retail shops and mail order, and claim to never produce or bag until popcorn is ordered. Flavors range from standard savory (salted,...

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Waffling Apple Fritters & Jelly Donuts ... with Foie Gras

Normally, I just post update reviews to the original reviews themselves, rather than starting a fresh review. But, this one is too awesome to be an addendum.  Because it involves a number of my favorite things: foie gras. Donuts. And my obsession with waffling things (if you don't know what I'm talking about regarding that last point, go ahead and check out that master post, then return here). So yes, this was just another day, with another batch of leftover...

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Silver Trumpet, Avenue of the Arts, Costa Mesa

Silver Trumpet is the restaurant located at the Avenue of the Arts hotel in Costa Mesa. Open for breakfast, brunch on weekends, lunch, dinner, and late night daily. #AllTheBreakfast I recently stayed at the Avenue of the Arts, and since the location is a bit isolated for a quick breakfast elsewhere, I opted to get breakfast there every day during my 6 day stay.   I also checked it out for cocktails and perhaps a late night dessert ... Overall,...