Friday, July 22, 2016

Drake's Cakes

Growing up, on the rare occasions when I had packaged sweet snacks (my mom nearly always had a full cookie jar of fresh baked goods, so, why go for packaged?), I was team Little Debbie all the way.  I LOVED the Nutty Bars (because, chocolate and peanut butter!).  The nut topped Fudge Brownies, warmed up with a scoop of ice cream was a favorite treat.  I enjoyed unraveling the Pecan Spinwheels and eating them center-out.  I even liked the Oatmeal...

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Scollay Square, Boston

Back in December, I visited the East Coast to see my family and to work from our Cambridge office.  On my last night there, I met up with a couple friends from college for dinner. We needed somewhere fairly central, as they were both coming into Boston to meet me from the commuter rail that leads to their respective suburbs.  This meant they'd arrive at North Station, and they suggested going out somewhere near there, near Faneuil Hall ... not exactly...